
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We now send an email whenever your Journey is viewed, rather than just the first view.
We also now add the recipients email in the "reply to" field, so you can simply reply to the email to begin a conversation with the recipient to address the comment!
We now require email for recipients to leave a comment — if we know the recipients email address (either via an email gate, a previous comment, or passing their email as a parameter) it'll be autofilled.
CleanShot 2021-07-01 at 13
We've always supported Google Slide content but we've not only expanded this to:
but also made the user interface much much simpler! You now simply need to paste a Google URL into the field and we'll confirm the access permissions are working as expected.
(We'll also be introducing a Google Drive integration in the next few days)


Content Types

Notion embeds

You can now embed Notion documents within Journey!
Notion documents were one of our top requested features. Very excited for this to go live, thank you Anil!
CleanShot 2021-06-17 at 11
You can now create deep links that link directly to specific content within a Journey, so for example if you want to link to the third step of a Journey, you can now do that.
From the editor:
You'll now get an email alert when your Journey gets it's first view.
You can now set links to open directly from navigation
You can now integrate Journey with This will:
  • Send an event whenever someone opens a Journey
  • Send an event whenever someone engages with a Journey (comments, emojis and email submissions)
  • Send an identify call whenever a known user opens a Journey (either via an email= parameter or via an email submission)
Thanks Tim for implementing this!
Content can now be "gated" behind an email capture. It's a way of only letting people view content if they give you their email address.
Once a Journey has recieved an email address, the content is unlocked and that email address is sent to you.
You can now have Slack notifications when users interact with your Journeys:
Almost any engagement data can now be sent to Slack:
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